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Osservatorio Astronomico Amatoriale

Pietro Dora Vivarelli

Ultima Modifica: 01/11/2011

Effemeridi per B09 Capannoli - 

Oggetti del Minor Planet di interesse per l'osservatorio

In questa pagina vengono elencanti gli oggetti scoperti, co-scoperti - confermati, e di interesse dell' osservatorio astronomico B33 di Libbiano - Peccioli; 104 San Marcello; dei quali e' possibile ottenere le effemeridi (selezionado gli asteroidi in elenco), e il grafico della loro visibilita. (cliccando sul link indicate la data)
Clicca qui per una breve guida.

  Per maggiori informazioni su MPES e disponibile in lingua inglese un file PDF.

Display ephemerides or summary

Brighter than ~mag +20.5 and more than
90� from Sun. (Date of max brightness)
 and link to Lowell Observability Chart
Mag. note Orbita

2012 BC1 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello O
2012 BD1 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello O
2011 RP13 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello O
2011 RH16 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello O
2011 QY39 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello PHA APOLLO O
2011 PQ1 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello O
2011 OH18 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello O
2011 CE92 2011 - 2016
104 San Marcello O
2009 UF94 2011 - 2016
B33 Libbiano O
2011 AG5 2011 - 2016
B33 Libbiano (2011-A31) Virtual Impactor SENTRY (JPL) CLOMON2 (NEODyS). O
2011 UU193 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 UV193 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 UT191 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 SH71 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 QF65 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 QA33 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 SV240 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 SV242 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 CB7 2011 - 2016
* O
2011 TG 2011 - 2016
* O
2009 BK71 2011 - 2016
2009 BD58 2011 - 2016
2009 AD16 2011 - 2016
2008 UD253 2011 - 2016
2008 TZ 2011 - 2016
 N O
P/2008 T1 (Boattini) 2011 - 2016
  Cometa confermata per primo !
2008 SP1 2011 - 2016
2008 SQ1 2011 - 2016
2008 SB 2011 - 2016
2008 SE 2011 - 2016
  Il primo NEO confermato da B09 O
C/2008 Q1 (Maticic) 2011 - 2016
  La prima conferma di una cometa
2005 RB34 2011 - 2016
2007 QA1 2011 - 2016
 2009 Leave for survey recovery O
(7481) San Marcello 2011 - 2016
  Discovery date : 1994 08 11 Discovery site : San Marcello Discoverer(s) : Boattini, A., Tombelli, M. O
(14964) Robertobacci 2011 - 2016
 asteroide che porta il nome di mio fratello Roberto Bacci una gran bella soddifazione. O
(108205) Baccipaolo 2001 HF23 2011 - 2016
 asteroide che porta il mio nome. O


(Uncertainties are approximate and derived from information from
the Lowell Observatory Asteroid Observation Chart Builder)


Di default le effemeridi topocentriche valgono per l'osservatorio di B09 Capannoli, dalla data attuale per 12 ore con un intervallo di 1 ora. Vengono soppresse le effemeridi in cui l'oggetto non e' visibile.

Data di inizio delle effemeridi: Numero  di  effemeridi

Intervallo tra le effemeridi: Effemeridi unit�: Giorni Ore Minuti secondi

Observatory code:

Display positions in: truncated sexagesimal or full sexagesimal or decimal units

Moto apparente oggetto: "/sec "/min "/hr �/day

Total motion and direction Separate R.A. and Decl. sky motions Separate R.A. and Decl. coordinate motions

Non visualizzare le effemridi quando l'oggetto vi � il sole

Non visualizzare le effemridi quando � sotto l'orrizonte

Generate perturbed ephemerides for unperturbed orbits

Also display elements for epoch

Format for elements output:

none MPC 1-line MPC 8-line
SkyMap (SkyMap Software) Guide (Project Pluto) xephem (E. Downey)
Home Planet (J. Walker) MyStars! (Relative Data Products) TheSky (Software Bisque)
Starry Night (Sienna Software) Deep Space (D. S. Chandler) PC-TCS (D. Harvey)
Earth Centered Universe (Nova Astronomics) Dance of the Planets (ARC) MegaStar V4.x (E.L.B. Software)
SkyChart 2000.0 (Southern Stars Software) Voyager II (Carina Software) SkyTools (CapellaSoft)
Autostar (Meade Instruments)

If you select 8-line MPC format, you may display the residual block for the objects selected:

Show residuals blocks. Show only residual lines containing observations from code
If you select 8-line MPC format the elements will be displayed with the ephemerides. If you select 8-line MPC format the elements will be displayed with the ephemerides. If you select any format other than 8-line MPC format, only the elements are returned. In such cases your browser should download the elements file and save it to your local disk.

Supplementary Information

The summary lists the current J2000.0 coordinates, visual magnitude and solar elongation of the selected minor planets, as well as information on the date of last observation (where available), forthcoming opposition data and details on the latest published orbit. The opposition data lists the date of the next opposition and the declination and visual magnitude at that time.
The list of available formats for the orbital elements was correct at the time this document was prepared. It is possible that the Minor Planet Center now supports futher formats. If you select the summary option, any newly supported formats will be listed.
The elements supplied are the latest published elements for the specified objects. Elements will be found even if the designation you enter is a non-principal designation in an identification or if the object has been numbered.

Ephemerides can be supplied for objects with only V�is�l� elements, but the elements themselves are not supplied.

The ephemerides supplied for minor planets and comets are perturbed (if the orbits were computed with perturbations) and can be generated over the time period 1900 to 2040. Objects with unperturbed orbit solutions will return unperturbed ephemerides. Objects must be identified in images by their motion, not by their apparent closeness to a predicted position.

The time-scale of the supplied ephemerides is UTC.

If you desire a topocentric ephemeris, enter your observatory code in the appropriate box. When local circumstances are displayed, the azimuths are reckoned westwards from the south meridian.

As an aide-m�moire, the packed form of the object's designation (as used on the astrometric observation record) is displayed immediately above the ephemeris.

This service utilises the Minor Planet Ephemeris Service, courtesy of the IAU's Minor Planet Center. It has been made possible by Process Software Corporation, and their excellent VMS Web server, Purveyor.

The calculations will be performed on theTamkin Foundation Computing Network.

Pagina relaizzata da Paolo Bacci AAAV

by backman